About Tricia "Nurse Zirit" Schuster

Hi! Tricia here.

I'm a registered nurse, yoga instructor, somatic facilitator, children's book author (aka "Nurse Zirit"); as well as Channel & Founder of Zirit-Life® Headquarters for Peace. (Zirit means zany-spirit and "zirit-life" is a peaceful, blue-light energy that originally channeled through me on the night of March 2nd, 2011; which also happens to be Dr. Seuss' birthday!). In addition to the 3 program offerings mentioned on the homepage (see below for more details), I've also created "Zock Therapy" (a self-healing meditation technique using THE ZOCK - a tennis ball in a tube sock - on the GB20 acupressure points), "The Zirit Series for World Peace" (a 3-book collection for all ages), and "Humans Not Anonymous: 6 Steps to Decrease Suffering in All Humans" (60-minute meetings include group meditation and conscious conversation).


THE PEACEFUL START PROGRAM: A 3-step, 3-minute mindfulness program for elementary schools to start each day from a place of peace. The vision is to eventually have "The Mindfulness Mansion" book and "The 3-Step Mindfulness Program for Peace" poster in every elementary school classroom across the globe. There is a theory that if we taught every school-age child mindfulness, we would have world peace in one generation. Here are the 3 simple steps:

Step 1.) Deepen your breath and let the shoulders fall. Step 2.) Pay attention inside your body. Step 3.) Feel the feelings and sensations, that's all! (You with you, that's who!)

THE PEACEFUL MIDDLE PROGRAM: A 3-pronged, 3-month self-healing program for 18+ that includes mindful movement, somatic medicine processing, and acupressure energy work. The program is customized to meet the individual needs of each client.

THE PEACEFUL END PROGRAM: A 3-pronged, advance care planning program in the event we lose capacity, we can no longer make our needs known, and we can no longer feed ourselves. (i.e stroke, head injury, Alzheimers, ALS, or any other life-limiting/terminal illness). These are the 3 prongs to this preemptive approach:

1.) Small bites/sips of comfort foods only. No artificial nutrition, hydration, ventilation, or antibiotics. This allows for the release of natural pain receptors and endorphins throughout the body as it is shutting down. 2.) Somatic medicine option to minimize and manage the fear of death, existential pain, and/or terminal agitation. 3.) Acupressure massage to assist in releasing energy from the physical body throughout the transition process; as well as assistance with post-mortem ecological death care if needed.


Ping 813.391.PING (7464) for a free information call.

zirit (ZIR-it): n."zany-spirit" who is eternally present